Sunday 12 August 2018

So let's get this tutorial started..Compréhension écrite - Section A - Panneaux / Petites annonces

Compréhension écrite

The reading part (Compréhension écrite) has 4 sections namely,
Section A - Panneaux / Petites annonces
Section B - Textes courts
Section C.1 - Insertion de phrases
Section C.2 - Ordre des phrases
Section D - Reformulation

I am going to teach each part separately in depth so please bear with me. The whole purpose of this blog is to help you guys perform really well in TEF exam to obtain the points you truly desire to fulfil your Canadian dreams. Although, this blog could be really lengthy, it's going to help you to familiarize yourself with each topic given in the examination.

Section A - Panneaux / Petites annonces

Number of questions : 10 questions in total – 2 questions will be given from the same document.
Instructions provided in the exam:   « Vous prendrez connaissance des documents et répondrez aux questions correspondantes. »
Format :  1 document and questions in the form of QCM.
Objective: To define the theme, nature and function of a simple daily life document.


Ce document est :
A) Un prospectus d’annonce de fête
B) Une brochure publicitaire d’un restaurant
C) Une annonce d’un spectacle
D) Un dépliant d’un théâtre

The answer here is C. The term « comédie » informs you that the document is about a « spectacle ». Also, the timings mentioned and title clearly reveals the same.

Tip #1 - Type of documents in TEF

The documents proposed in this section of the test are often selected from the following list:
  • Document publicitaire (Advertisement)
  • Article de journal (Newspaper Article)
  • Brochure touristique (Touristic brochure)
  • Annonce de spectacle (Show/Entertainment announcement like the image represented above)
I request you to therefore familiarize yourself with these type of documents and determine the elements of each document type. For example, identify the typography of the advertisement, the price clues, the vocabulary used for an association, a shop, a trip and usage of verb tenses.

Tip #2 - Read Answers Well

Be careful, the wording of the proposals can be confusing. You must know how to identify the difference, for example, the difference between a newspaper article about a region and a tourist brochure for that region. For that, it is very important to focus your attention on the source of the document. Where does this text come from? Do you have the name of the newspaper or company, a website address maybe? 

Tip # 3 - Identify Communication Intentions

This section assesses your ability to understand "why" we write. So after describing the type of document, you will have to say what is its intention, its purpose. For that it will be useful for you to make lists of lexicon corresponding to the acts of speech below:

  • Vendre / la vente
  • Découvrir / la découverte / l’initiation / le baptême
  • Promouvoir / la promotion / la lutte / la défense
  • Offrir / l’offre / la cadeau / une promotion / une remise

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