Monday 13 August 2018

Compréhension écrite - Section C.2 - Ordre des phrases

Section C.2 - Ordre des phrases

Number of questions :5 independent questions.
Official instructions : « Dans les textes suivants, les phrases ne sont pas dans l’ordre. Reconstituez ces textes en mettant les phrases dans l’ordre. »
Format :4 sentences to arrange in order
Purpose: To identify the logical order of a text


  1. Dès cette rentrée, un nouveau prestataire fournira les cantines : la Sogeres, qui annonce 50 % minimum de produits bio d’origine France.
  2. « Et plus particulièrement d’Ile-de-France, assure le maire, et ce sans augmentation du prix des repas ».
  3. Ainsi, le pain sera fourni chaque matin par « La Fournée de Joinville », un boulanger de la ville.
  4. Cette année, les écoliers de Joinville devraient constater un sérieux changement dans leurs assiettes.
A) 1-2-3-4
B) 4-3-1-2
C) 4-1-2-3
D) 1-3-2-4


You must choose "C" 


Tip # 1 - Locating TransitionsMissing sentences can be sentences linking two propositions. These can be in opposition or continuity. Thus it is common for the proposed sentences to contain linking words, logical coordinations. It is therefore advisable to read the 2 sentences that surround the missing part to know the logical relationship between them. Review all these articulators well: « ainsi », « alors », « en effet », « donc »...

Tip # 2 - Pay attention to pronouns
A sentence will not start with a pronoun. Indeed, to know what we are talking about, in general, we start with a common name. This helps you to determine the first sentence of a series to arrange in order. We must first find the central idea. What are we talking about ? The second sentence will probably start with a personal pronoun
« il », « elle » … It's the same approach with demonstrative pronouns. So you will not find at the beginning of a text the pronoun « ce » or « cette » because it refers to something that has already been mentioned previously in a previous sentence. Look for the main sentence that speaks for the first time about the subject.

Tip # 3 - Use help of Context and Titles
Each text or set of sentences is preceded by a title that guides you to the general meaning of what you are going to read.

Next up:- Section D: Reformulation

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