Tuesday 31 July 2018

Canada Express Entry - Increase your CRS points - TEF Canada

Have you maxed out your IELTS ?

Need more CRS points??

I've come across a lot of people who have maxed out their IELTS scores and are still stuck in the express entry pool without any opportunities to increase their scores.

For those willing to learn French or already know a little French, I would say writing the TEF exam is a great means to improve your score.

I know how hard it is waiting in the EE pool. I've been there. So here's the thing, I'll be teaching you guys the right approach to prepare for TEF and I'm sure you would find it useful.

If you've already been doing alot of research on TEF, I am sure you would have come across the famous two books:

Title: Test d’évaluation de français
Publisher: Hachette livre – Français langue étrangère

Title: TEF (test d’évaluation de français) – 250 activités
Publisher: CLE International

The books are available online in India and in other countries too. But, incase you need an e-version of the same, please do contact me or post a comment with your email address in the comment box below and I shall email it to you.

Although these two books are popular for preparation of TEF, I felt it wasn't good enough to score the marks we require for immigration. That is why, I am there to guide you guys, to help you attain the scores we all need. The books are indeed helpful in familiarizing with the format of the  exam and the type of content that can be given in the exam as well.

Don't forget to post your comments/additional requests below👇

What is TEF Canada?

I have been researching online for a year now trying to find appropriate material to train myself for TEF Canada exam.
There are tons of material available online to train for IELTS. Unfortunately, very few videos/documents are available to prepare for TEF.

This persuaded me to create a blog dedicated entirely for prepping those willing to take up this French exam to pursue their Canadian dreams.

Firstly, for those who don't know already, TEF Canada stands for The Test d'Évaluation de Français pour le Canada (TEF Canada).

Reasons for taking up TEF:

For immigration:
If you need access to entire Canada, then you would have to take up TEF Canada that consists of 4 modules namely :

Listening - Compréhension orale : 40 min – 60 questions
Reading - : 60 min – 50 questions
Speaking - Expression orale : 15 min – 2 parts
Writing : 60 min – 2 parts

If you just need to migrate exclusively to Quebec, you can opt for TEFAQ

It has the exact same modules as TEF Canada.

For studying in Canada:

Here the modules are slightly different. ie. Instead of taking up the Speaking part, you would have to take up:

Lexique et structure : 30 min – 40 questions

There are other reasons such as naturalization and obtaining resident card from the French government but I haven't seen many people taking up the exam for these reasons.

I hope this post helped you understand the purpose of writing this test..

I will be writing more posts to help you guys!